Car horoscope for the week from October 30 to November 5


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  1. Auto horoscope from October 30 to November 5
    • Aries
    • calf
    • Twins
    • Cancer
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • Libra
    • Scorpio
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fish

The jokes, as they say, are over, and a period of harsh reality has come - the road situation on these autumn days will be confusing. Only the traffic cops are calm and unperturbed, well, you can't get through them - at least rainfall, at least new traffic rules, patrol guys lazily throw the baton from one hand to another, and wait for tasty and rich prey. People celebrate the day of Hosea Kolesnik at the beginning of the week - if the wheels of the cart (car, bicycle) do not creak, it means that next year the harvest will be good. But motorists would have to wait out October and hold out in November - the coverage on the highways leaves much to be desired, but it seems that recently new asphalt was laid ...

Auto horoscope from October 30 to November 5


Aries, your car in these autumn days behaves strangely, if not, mysteriously. It drives off the road and rushes into some narrow lanes, then it slows down near a gas station and happily blinks all the headlights, demanding a gasoline supplement. You roll into the workshop, suddenly your navigator has taken on a life of its own, or a small computer was installed next to the engine to control your iron horse remotely (spies worked, not otherwise). But, most likely, the four-wheeled girlfriend fearfully awaits the onset of Halloween, because pedestrians with pumpkins instead of heads are already lined up on the sidelines, and zombies with striped wands are running along the tracks (they are safe, you guessed that these are traffic cops).


Taurus, there are many vehicles in the world, but there were no reliable cars for our off-road terrain, and there are no (by the way, it is not expected). The stars recently watched as a powerful SUV got stuck in an ordinary ditch, and onlookers on the Nines and Volga immediately gathered around and gloatingly began to give advice. But back to our rams, that is, the tracks - funny situations await you these autumn days, and the iron horse will not be bored. If you stand in front of a zebra, look at the pedestrians - some of them come across typists in Aquatic suits. These are the fans of Anatoly Kubatsky celebrating the birthday of their idol (remember the king of the water-spinner from Marya-Artisan). He was a good actor, and your typewriter is his fan.


Gemini, in a dark-dark alley there was a black-black traffic cop - this is not a children's horror story, and among the patrol guys there really are guys from distant Africa. But let's not discuss nationalities and go to a roadside cafe. All eateries serve fried chicken, because people see off autumn, and at the beginning of November (of course, according to the new style) they celebrate Midsummer's Day. The machine will gladly float snowflakes and raindrops with its trunk while you enjoy your meal. Just do not enter into discussions with truckers - they are gambling people and will quickly persuade you to join the journey. And your iron friend dreams of a quiet vacation in a cozy garage.


Crayfish, well, let's go for a ride? On these October and November days, you like both the roads and the road users. Yes, and the patrol creatures in the fall behave quite adequately - they are not rude, they are not rude, they are not fined (although this is just strange, maybe the traffic cops are sick?). By the way, if you want to compliment the female passengers, call the girls Cleopatra - the Queen of Egypt would have a birthday in the middle of the week (already 2086 years old, according to historians). But the stars do not advise gluing the image of a beauty on the glass of a car - your four-wheeled friend is not happy and dreams of other signs of attention (a banal nodding dog on the panel is what you need).

A lion

Lions, oh, fine protocol, I didn't catch anything - all traffic cops have such faces on these autumn days as if everything is bad, bad, bad. Maybe the weather is really not flying, and there is no catch, and all the drivers drive competently and accurately. And where is there to accelerate if there are bumps and pits, ditches and puddles through every meter? Although the "speed bumps" have been updated and touched up, that's good. But your iron horse is happy with life and dashingly gallops along the roads, overtaking newcomers and spraying cars with flashing lights with fresh mud - so let them know. If the car takes you to the forest, do not be alarmed when you meet twelve strange people - these are Marshak's fans who decided to celebrate his birthday and stage a fairy tale for 12 months.


Virgo, knit comfortable gloves or a steering wheel cover - a cold snap is expected these autumn days, and you will have to steer for a long time. The iron horse generally dreams of new woolen seat covers - it has a right, because a hardworking four-wheeled girlfriend deserves encouragement. But the traffic cops do not care about your affectionate relationship with the car - they completely went off the rails and slow down the cars at every turn. Pedestrians also behave strangely, and rush through the streets in Egg costumes. Surely, it was the Americans who penetrated our roads and decided to celebrate the day of the Giant Omelet. Yes, and there is such a holiday in the USA, and to prepare a treat, it takes as much as 5,000 eggs (and where the world is heading).


Libra, eh, patrol, patrol, brake me, brake me, my horse - some of the drivers chant these strange words and dream of talking to the traffic cops. But you accelerate and rush past the guard houses - the traffic guards have nothing interesting, and the iron horse certainly does not want to have small talk with the guys in uniform. An interesting situation will be observed this weekend on the country roads - peasants in bee suits will start running along the roads and buzzing loudly. The people celebrate Jacob's day, but not that Jacob, to which the hiccups pass, but another. And everyone is playing bee games - do not be afraid, bees will not bite your car, they are wrong, but just increase the speed just in case.


Scorpions, something on our roads has become too noisy and hectic - isn't it time to take a break and relax in the garage of some wealthy friend, so that he can supply you with beer and treat an iron horse with fresh oil? The machine is ready to go on vacation right now - it has already spun the wheels in delight and waved in admiration with the wipers. But first, decorate your car with maritime-themed posters and celebrate the founding of the Russian Navy. Your four-wheeled prankster adores this autumn holiday and will be happy to portray a ship, having driven into some puddle.


Sagittarius, you can shoot not only cigarettes from fellow travelers, but also gasoline from traffic cops - you don’t believe, and the patrol guys specially stock up on fuel and treat the drivers after they are fined. But the stars do not advise checking the information - it is better to refuel to the eyeballs in the right place, because there are many planned trips for these autumn days. Yes, and when you are in a traffic jam, do not have a snack with whites, suddenly in the next car there will be a vegetarian who will not tolerate such barbarism. In addition, the world celebrates Vegan Day - everyone chews grass and drinks it with water. Don't tell the car about the holiday - let it drive calmly and not fill the iron head with all sorts of nonsense.


Capricorns, somewhere there are tunnels that are cut down in giant trees - Kamaz will not pass there, but cars will rush through with ease. We also have such road obstacles - the other day the drivers were rolling along the road laughing, watching as a powerful truck tried to squeeze into the narrow space of the tunnel - it ripped off the sides, crumpled the top, but guessed to lower the wheels and got out of the trap.You guys are smart and you won't get into such a situation, and your iron horse claims to be a genius machine at all - not a single comment for the whole week! If you decide to grab a snack after a long journey, buy yourself a sandwich - Sandwich Day is celebrated in the USA, so support the Americans.


Aquarians, let's rush off-road, because speed limit signs are set for beginners - everyone would be happy to add gas, but the trouble is, the wheels get stuck in the autumn slurry, and cars are spitting out from wet snow and soft leaves. In general, the iron horse requires a day off, and it is desirable that the holiday of the machine soul lasts for seven days. And you prepare a trifle for travel - pay with ten-kopeck coins, let the conductors get nervous. Although they will not have time for you - merry peasants climbed into the tram, who are not going to pay the fare at all, announcing that they have a holiday. Indeed, Saturday is World Men's Day, and there is no need to wait for 23 February.


Pisces, do not be alarmed if on November Sunday you find yourself being monitored - this is not a jealous half who hired detectives. In Russia, the day of the military intelligence officer is celebrated, and everyone who considers himself the eyes and ears of the armed forces is having fun as best they can. But your iron horse does not like it when someone else's tail dangles after it - turn on the gas, let the intelligence know that you are not bastard either. If only you are not recruited - the machine does not want its owner to disappear for days on a dangerous job. When you break away from the cheerful "Stirlitz", go to the car wash - the car is nervous and needs a water soothing massage with foaming agents.

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